Mercedes-Benz & BMW Tools


Pin Wrench For Shock Absorber Screwing
•Chrome-Vanadium chrome-plated.
•Plastic coated blade prevents damage.
•Operation with three front pins, Ø 8mm. 
•Length: 230 mm. 
•For the operation of the upper shock absorber screwing on Mercedes-Benz, type 211 T-model rear (E-class station wagon). 
•The recess in the front part of pin wrench provides access to piston rod and allows the direct application.
•Chrome-Vanadium chrome-plated.
•Plastic coated blade prevents damage.
•Operation with three front pins, Ø 8mm. 
•Length: 230 mm. 
•For the operation of the upper shock absorber screwing on Mercedes-Benz, type 211 T-model rear (E-class station wagon). 
•The recess in the front part of pin wrench provides access to piston rod and allows the direct application.
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